Allianz Arena: Dynamo Integration by Peyton Roberts
Visual Programming: Revit Dynamo Process - Allianz Arena Peyton Roberts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 01 - Design Intent The design intent of Project 2 is to take the project and parametric family files from Project 1 and incorporate Dynamo nodes for the panel system of the Allianz Arena. In attaching Dynamo nodes to the project, I aim to combine them with the fully parametric and compatible BIM model to explore and create panel color variations. The final result will be to create two separate Dynamo and Revit files: one set of files creating a uniform, single-color arena and one set of files creating a series of randomized color outputs for the panels. I would also like to explore the integration of AI in the dynamo process and how it can be experimented with. With AI, I would like to utilize more detailed prompts and specific styles or references to reimagine what the Allianz Arena